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The annual Waterville/Belvidere 6th Grade Class Pumpkin, Craft and Yard Sale will be held Oct. 4&5, 10-4 Saturday and 10-2 on Sunday. Stop by and support the 6th graders as they raise money for their class trip to Montreal. Check out the Town Hall full of craft fair vendors and yard sale treasures on the Town Green. A little something for everyone! While you’re there be sure to pick up a homemade pie, donuts or breads. Grab chili or a hotdog for lunch and a baked good treat to satisfy your sweet tooth! Don’t forget to pick out the perfect pumpkin!


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The North Branch Music Series is proud to present Tammy Fletcher and her band on Thursday, July 17, 2014, at the Waterville Town Hall. Show starts at 7:00 p.m., outdoors–weather permitting. Tammy Fletcher is Vermont’s premier female vocalist. She has been performing world wide for two decades and is firmly rooted to New England. She has an All-Star cast of musicians who help pave the musical journey. Refreshment provided. $5 donation suggested.

Sponsored in part by The Cambridge Arts Council.

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The Town of Waterville is happy to announce the launch of a new Municipal Website. This site boasts an intuitive navigation, mobile friendly design, and detailed government information. In addition to these features, information regarding town officers, a document section, and an area for the most requested items have been included to make it easy for site visitors to find information and contacts quickly. The website was made possible by the assistance of The Snelling Center for Government through the Vermont Digital Economy Project, an Economic Development Grant awarded to the Vermont Council on Rural Development.